Friday, February 17, 2017

Student success statement
Good quality people
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
What this quote is trying to say is that you should make sure of who you spend time with, who you associate with because that pretty much describes who you are as person but also maybe you aren’t like them but people might see you or compare you to them and that will bring you a bad name. You shouldn’t be around people that are bad influences and persuade you into doing bad things. They might want you to smoke, drink, steal, drop out of school, or sell drugs or bad things. These aren’t things that will end well. There’s a saying in spanish that says “lo que empieza mal termina mal” This means that what starts bad will end bad because you can’t make something wrong seem right no matter how hard you try. You are better off being alone then spending time with those who don’t think of the future. Yeah you might think that they care and that they are friends but honestly in my point of view, friends come and go and if they were really friends they wouldn’t want you doing bad things. You should never change who you are just to be cool or be like someone else. Those who do bad things are sooner or later going to get caught. So why not spend time with those who care and want a good future and not only that but also care about their friends and try and lead them to the right path by giving them good advice. Surround yourself with ctr people.

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