Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student success statement
“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often”
-Peter Vidmar
What this quote is trying to say is that you shouldn’t choose the wrong. In other words don’t put something that’s not important before something that is really important. You should never give up important stuff because if you become lazy or say you’ll do it later you’ll form a bad habit for yourself. Peter had to set his mind and set goals for himself because that led him to great success and all his time and dedication paid off which is how he one gold medals in the olympics. He put his training first and didn’t let anything else get in between. Don’t ever make up excuses to not do something. This comes along with choosing the right because doing so will bring you great positive things in life and you’ll look back in years and be so proud of yourself. You’ll feel thankful and glad that you made the right choices. For example if you have a math test tomorrow and you have to sleep early so you can focus better and have time to practice do it. Let’s say you don’t and you decide to stay up all night with your friend playing video games online. The next morning you wake up and realize you’re late to school, you have no time to study and the test comes and you have no idea what you’re doing and you are too tired to focus. You see how making the wrong choice affects you. Now let’s say you politely tell your friend that you can’t stay up and wake up early and study, A’s the test, wouldn’t that be great? Yes it would , that is why you have to choose the right and don’t sacrifice what you want the most for what you want now.

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